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Improve productivity of environmental improvement by modern methods.

Pipe Jacking is a trenchless technology method used to install pipe under existing structures such as roads, railways, rivers, buildings and airfields. Unlike open trench pipe installations, pipe jacking does not disrupt businesses and traffic flow.


We specialize in this trenchless technology method used to install pipe under existing structures. Pipe jacking does not disrupt businesses and traffic flow. As with all trenchless technology applications, proper assessment of the dig site and soil conditions is critical to a successful project. Our attention to detail ensures a safe and accurate boring procedure, even in challenging soil situations.

How Pipe Jacking Works

With machine jacking operations, a hydraulic push unit pushes a capsule followed by the pipe through the ground. The capsule excavates the spoils, which are dropped onto a conveyor belt which dumps into a steel box. The box rides on rails out to the pit where it is hoisted by a crane, dumped and returned to the pit to be refilled. The line and grade must be maintained during the installation process. This is accomplished by using a laser beam to verify the line and grade, making adjustments as needed.

The person operating the TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) uses a laser guidance system to keep the TBM boring along the desired line and grade.

Pipe jacking works best in soils with good cohesion. However, it is possible to use pipe jacking methods in certain unstable soil conditions using close-faced machines or special precautions such as dewatering.

The most common distances for pipe jacking are from 60 to 300 metres, but longer distances can be covered using pipe jacking.

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