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We can help you

  • (205)-509-1845
  • Contact@buildcos.com
  • 34 Steuben St, Brooklyn, NY 11205


Is your facility as safe, clean, comfortable, and energy efficient as possible? Businesses that achieve these high-performance criteria are more likely to see continual improvements in cost savings and customer service. With Sebego Electrical Engineering as your maintenance team, you can be confident in the quality and consistency of your facility. We will analyze your distinct conditions and operations, then customize a program that conserves energy, lowers your risks and overhead costs, and reduces administrative and subcontractor labor demands.

Service Specific Benefits

From corporations and schools to the largest office parks, Sebego Electrical Engineering knows facilities. By combining a proven self-performance model and integrated services platform, we offer a single point of contact, streamlining your administrative functions. And our people become your people. We integrate within your culture so we can anticipate and meet your needs.

client satisfaction



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